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Combining study and work? This is how to do it!

Combining work and studying is no easy task. Besides performing at work, you also have to make sure you get good grades. However, there are also advantages to combining working and studying, especially when your job is in line with your education. For example, if you study economics, a student job in an accounting firm is more obvious than cashier work in the local supermarket. Moreover, a student job can help you cope with the costs of an increasingly expensive life, especially if you are (partly) responsible for the cost of your studies or student accommodation yourself. Robert Walters explains how best to organize your time as a student and as an employee. 

Inform your employer, family and friends 

The best way to make sure you have enough time to study is to keep both your employer and your family and friends informed of your situation. By telling your supervisor that you are studying and passing on important dates (e.g. for exams), he will know when you will have no or less time to work and this can be considered in your schedule. Chances are also that your friends regularly invite you out for a night out, or a family party is planned the day before an important school assignment deadline. By letting them know in advance that you will let such things pass you by a bit more often, you create understanding. 

Planning, planning and more planning

Making weekly schedules with a clear overview of what you need to get finished each day is the key to success. Do this both for school and for your job. Put everything next to each other and check for yourself whether your schedule is feasible. If it is not, maybe you can ask for some extra days off. Ideally, you can use your schedule to determine how many hours you can spend studying during a typical week and during exam week, and how many hours you can work. Always be reasonable about this; scheduling too many hours to serve your employer reduces your chances of success.  

Set goals and priorities 

You are making it difficult for yourself if your only goal is to get that degree. It is a better idea to set intermediate goals first. If you keep a certain target in mind on a weekly or monthly basis, for example, you will stay focused and motivated. In addition, it helps to start studying at the same time every day: that way you avoid procrastination. Also remember to reward yourself as soon as you achieve a goal. Also remember what your priorities are.

If you want to succeed, put your studies first for a while, especially during the exam period. There is no point in working overtime if it prevents you from succeeding.  


Dare to ask for help  

Creating a good work-life balance is not easy when you combine studying and working. That's why it can always be useful to check in with your colleagues, friends or family as well. You are probably not the only one combining a job with studies. Your college or university itself may also be able to help you. They offer tailor-made programmes so that you can continue your studies at your own pace. If you still have questions, feel free to contact your student counsellor for help.  

Take some breaks

Finally, it is important to also provide some relaxation moments, so that you can persevere both psychologically and physically in the long run. Your brain needs occasional breaks to focus effectively. By taking regular breaks, you can then concentrate fully on learning again. For example, you can take occasional exercise or still meet up with friends.


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Check out the career advice page for other insights on managing your career effectively.

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