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Over Robert Walters België

Voor ons is rekrutering meer dan alleen een job. Wij begrijpen dat achter elke opportuniteit een kans ligt om een verschil te maken in het leven van anderen

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Onze mensen maken het verschil. Lees hun verhaal en kom alles te weten over een carrière bij Robert Walters België.

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Embracing difference - how to recruit, retain and empower a diverse workforce

In today’s global economy, employers in Australia and New Zealand are in an enviable position. Within their reach is a talent pool reflecting the local population: multicultural, educated and rich in potential. But many organisations are still failing to fully tap in to this. Despite their best intentions employers often hire a relatively homogeneous workforce. Unconscious bias leads recruitment and promotion decisions astray. And many employees still feel that discrimination is prevalent.

Failing to hire and retain a diverse workforce can have a negative impact on organisations. They miss out on fresh perspectives and creative solutions to problems. They miss out on the benefits of a more engaged, motivated workforce. And they miss opportunities to ease the skills shortages that many of them face.

Our Embracing Difference whitepaper explores:
  • The strategic and tactical solutions to achieve greater diversity in ways that benefit both organisations and employees
  • The benefits of diveristy
  • Obstacles to diversity
  • Tactics employers should have in place to achieve greater diversity in the workplace 

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I'm Robert Walters Are you?

Vervoeg ons wereldwijd team van creatieve denkers, probleemoplossers en game changers. Wij bieden jou mooie doorgroeimogelijkheden, een aangename werksfeer en een professionele opleiding.